3 ways property managers can protect tenants… and themselves

Check the property’s physical attributes

On top of requirements to provide certain types of locks and other safety devices, there are steps a property manager or landlord can take to make a property safer. 移除或减少景观美化, 栅栏, 墙, and other items that obscure windows and doors or otherwise provide cover to criminals. Adequate lighting around the property also increases the safety of tenants, 客人, 物业经理.


视频门铃, 智能锁, and other tech tools give landlords 物业经理 options that were not available even a few years ago. You may also want to investigate a personal safety app and a technology-based showing service for vacant property.


The best time to call the police for assistance is 之前 confronting trespassers, evicting tenants, and other contentious situations. The mere presence of law enforcement can diffuse a tense situation 之前 it escalates—but if it does, trained professionals will already be on hand to assist you.

Make sure your sellers aren’t exposing personal data

If your sellers’ smart home devices are staying with a property, ask if they’ve removed the personal information on those devices. Here’s a two-step process clients can use to remove their data.

The manufacturer of each device has a factory reset that wipes any data on it and returns the product to its original configuration. The process differs by device—some use buttons on the device, others use the app—so have your sellers check the owner’s manual or manufacturer’s website.

Your clients can log in to the account that manages the device. From there, they can remove the device from the account. Or, if they aren’t keeping that service anymore, delete the account altogether.

Smart technology can add value to properties. It can also unintentionally reveal personal data. Remind your sellers to check their devices 之前 they leave them behind.