Content marketing is counterintuitive.

It’s promotion that doesn’t explicitly promote you. 而不是, you provide information—blog entries, 社交媒体帖子, 视频, 传单, emails—that people find useful, and those materials create interest in your real estate services.

Content marketing isn’t hard to do, but doing it well takes effort. According to the LinkedIn Content Marketing Report, 72%像你这样使用内容营销的企业都有内容策略. What’s wrong with the other 28%? 他们可能不了解内容营销的力量,或者可能在没有明确成功策略的情况下尝试了内容营销.

如果没有计划,你就是在向全世界散布内容,希望得到一些线索. 按照这些2021十大正规彩票app来制定一个对你的生意有利的计划,提高你成功的几率.

People spend an average of 1.7 seconds looking at a piece of content on their phone



Whether it’s online or in print, there’s no lack of content in the world. 如果你让别人注意到你的营销,你将如何让他们阅读它?

Your marketing should engage and maybe even intrigue the reader. To do that, you must come up with potential content ideas.

Generating ideas can paralyze even professional writers, but content generation doesn’t have to be painful.


Remember, they don’t have to all be related to real estate.

People respond to stories, so find ways to turn your topics into stories. 例如, if you love to visit barbecue restaurants in your area, don’t simply list the best ones; tell the story of the time you first visited your favorite barbecue spot.

同时也要记住,你的大多数想法都是前人做过的——这没关系. 从别人的内容中寻找灵感,并将自己的想法融入其中. Or build on their work with commentary.

内容营销——所有的营销——当你计划并投入你的努力时,效果最好. 给你的听众提供他们感兴趣的信息,而不是推销自己. Eventually, you’ll benefit from being a trusted source.

More than half of all web traffic is on mobile devices


Make it readable across platforms

You’ve put in a lot of effort to create great content. Don’t lose people because they can’t read it.

如果一个信息图表在你的桌面上看起来很棒,但在电子邮件中却显得太大或太小, your audience will delete the message without reading it. 同样的, photos you include in 社交媒体帖子 might get stretched, 压缩, 或者尺寸不对. Even your website can be mobile-unfriendly.

通过测试你的内容营销,避免人们因为技术问题而流失. 电子邮件营销工具具有针对各种电子邮件客户端和移动设备的预览功能. 社交媒体渠道可以让你看到移动端和桌面端广告和付费帖子的预览. 你也可以使用免费的网络服务来显示你的网站在不同的手机和平板电脑上的样子.

电子邮件 is 40 times better at customer acquisition than social media

来源:Campaign Monitor


你没有时间在17个平台上进行有效的内容营销, and you probably don’t know which ones are most effective to your sphere. Start with ones you’re most comfortable with; maybe you send emails, 在脸谱网上发帖, and mail postcards to your farm area.

无论你使用什么方法,都要建立某种方式来跟踪你努力所产生的任何联系. 例如, use an email marketing program that tracks 点击 in messages; click the Insights button in 脸谱网 or similar analytics functions in other social channels for data on how many people are seeing your posts; and advertise a landing page on your 传单.

在这些渠道营销一段时间后,回顾你的结果. 例如,比较从电子邮件消息到社交媒体帖子的点击量. 建立可用结果所需的时间取决于你发布内容的频率以及你在营销中使用了多少渠道. 在尝试新事物之前,你需要尝试一种方法数周甚至数月.


通过检查您正在使用的通信平台的可用数据,了解您的营销工作如何进行. 以下是一些常见指标.

Keep in mind that no data is 100% correct. 例如, 显示在电子邮件程序预览窗格中的电子邮件可能会被跟踪为“打开”,” even if you took no action and didn’t read the message. 但是比较像“打开”这样的统计数据来观察趋势是有用的.


你需要一个脸谱网商业页面(免费)来访问该平台的Insights工具. Two of the more useful data points in that tool are reach and engagement. Reach is the number of people who’ve had any post from your page displayed on their screen; it doesn’t mean anyone saw it, 只是它被展示出来了. 参与度是指人们通过反应与你的帖子互动的次数, 点击, 评论, 和股票.


推特网站的分析页面上的Tweets菜单可以让你全面了解哪些Tweets是最受欢迎的. “印象”栏显示一条推文在用户订阅中显示的次数, “参与”一栏统计用户与推特点击互动的次数, 转发, 回复, 遵循, ,喜欢.


Instagram only displays Insights for business profiles, and it’s easy to convert your Instagram account to a business profile. Then you’ll get access to data on your followers, posts, and stories. You’ll get impression, reach, and engagement data similar to 脸谱网’s.


If you use an email marketing program, 比如MailChimp, 不断的联系, 或VerticalResponse, take a look at your open rate and click rate. The open rate tells you how many recipients opened your message, while the click rate shows how many people clicked a link in your message.