Selling a home can be frustrating to homeowners. They’re asked to allow strangers into their home. 他们可能永远不会收到反馈,只会想:“为什么上一个买家不上钩??” What do anxious sellers do? They get an extra set of ears. 许多房主安装了安全摄像头和智能家居设备. 这些装置可以是一个超高科技的安全系统,也可以是一个简单的婴儿监视器, and they all can be abused. 已经出现了许多值得注意的案例,卖家听取了潜在买家的展示. Sometimes it’s to gain advantage in negotiations, while other times it’s simply to better stage the property. So, can a seller covertly record or monitor a buyer’s showing?

The rules in 德州

联邦电子通信隐私法(ECPA)和第16条.《十大网络彩票平台大全》第02条禁止在未经至少一名谈话参与者同意的情况下进行录音. 德州规则, commonly referred to as the one-party rule, requires at least one party to consent to recording conversations. 这条规则允许任何个人秘密地——合法地——记录他与经纪人的对话, 邻居, 或者另一方. 无论什么时候说话,最好遵循这句老话:言出必行. The other person in the conversation may be recording everyone.

If a seller is not present and participating in the showing, 他不能录音,即使谈话发生在卖家家里.

Why a seller cannot record audio of a showing

德克萨斯州的法律不允许对你没有参与的谈话进行录音或监听. 如果卖方没有出席并参加展示,他不能记录. Even though the conversation happens inside a seller’s home, 他被禁止录制任何与他无关的谈话.

But what about video?

Many homes today have security cameras installed that record video. 有些有录音功能,类似于婴儿监视器,有些则没有. The ECPA docs not prohibit video recording. 事实上, 无声视频——比如来自安全摄像头的视频——通常是允许的,只要它不是在一个个人有合理隐私预期的地方. For instance, silent bathroom video recording is not allowed. But silent video recording of the foyer, 孩子的游戏室, exterior of a home, and a garage arc likely permitted.

Help your buyers be smart about surveillance

  • Don’t discuss confidential negotiations within a home.
  • 注意不要过分热衷于住宅的特色.
  • Realize that most video recordings are legal. 你和你的客户的肢体语言和手势有时比你想象的要多.
  • 如果是在打电话,确保主人的邻居不会听到你们的谈话. Neighbors are often nosier than the owner.
  • 如果你真的担心有人在玩不公平的游戏,打开水龙头. 自来水发出的声音会产生白噪音,掩盖声音,使麦克风难以正常工作.

Don’t be too paranoid. 注意安全,但不要让它破坏了你在家里的真正目的.

Is your listing breaking the law?

大多数专业的报警和安全摄像头安装人员都熟悉这一法律. 正常情况下, 他们安装了没有音频的摄像机,并且可以在除了门厅以外的任何地方安装摄像机. 然而,如果你的卖家是一个自己动手的人,你可能想问一些问题. Have sellers tell you what the system will record. If audio is recorded, the seller may have a problem. 如果是无声视频,让卖家告诉你摄像头的位置. 确保他们不是在私人区域录制视频,比如浴室. 法院传统上支持个人隐私权,而不是住宅的财产权. Consider limiting the use of cameras to the exterior of the residence. 违反州和联邦记录法可能会受到刑事处罚.

ln增加, 德州, like many states, recognizes several types of common law invasion of privacy claims. 本质上, 侵犯隐私保护一个人的隐居生活不受不合理的侵犯, 孤独, or private affairs. Even though recording may be in the seller’s house, 法院已经发现,当房主越权时,探视方可以提出有效的索赔.

Illegal recording is a felony offense in 德州, 任何被记录违法的人都可以提起民事诉讼,要求赔偿10美元,000 for each occurrence, actual damages in excess of$10,000, punitive damages, attorney’s fees, and court costs.
