德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®年轻专业人士网络(YPN)今年早些时候提名了五位2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®值得关注奖获得者. 这些年龄在40岁以下的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人(德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®)表现出卓越的领导能力和社区参与能力,并在2021十大正规彩票app行业崭露头角. 继续读下去,看看是什么让每个人脱颖而出.

Cameron Willmann, Permian盆地

自… 2007
专业: 住宅; property management; commercial; development
指定和认证: 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导力计划毕业生
领导职位: 2011-2013 Chair of Young Professionals Network of the Permian Basin Board of REALTORS®; 2015 President of the PBBOR; 2010-2013 Director for PBBOR; Chaired 教育 Committee and New Member Orientation at PBBOR; 2019 Chair of TAR 会员的好处 Committee; 2011-2013 Agent 领导 Council at 凯勒威廉姆斯2021十大正规彩票app公司 Midland; 2014-present Region 6 TREPAC Trustee.
有趣的事实: I am the proud father of a 2-year-old, Poppy, and Lincoln, who was born in August. I’ve been married for 10 years to Jessi, and father to fur-babies Stewie and Layla. 我喜欢音乐、旅游和网飞.


I have always been interested in real estate, construction, and design. When I realized selling advertising for a Fox affiliate was not going to move my life forward, 一位导师和一位朋友2021十大正规彩票app我拿到2021十大正规彩票app执照,到他的经纪公司工作,这样我就可以自己创业了. 创业听起来像是我可以支持的事情. 我喜欢能够随心所欲地成长的想法, 尽可能扩大我的业务和收入.


我有一个部门负责一个团队的所有事务. We service residential, commercial, property management, and development. 我们负责销售和租赁,包括公寓. 我们也代表多个构建者和开发人员. 我绝对不是一个多面手, 因为我寻找的是能够专注于自己业务领域并为客户提供高质量服务的专家. 我们有一只恐龙. REALTOR® Rex has become our mascot and purveyor of our message, sense of humor, and information. 他是豪斯地产集团的发言人.


我是学校的超级粉丝. 我非常喜欢向那些在高水平上“做事”的人学习. I regularly attend educational classes and training through my brokerage, 凯勒威廉姆斯2021十大正规彩票app公司, 以及它的许多合作伙伴. 我也开始为我的CCIM上课, and I search out opportunities for more knowledge about best practices for property managers.

除此之外,我还读书. 我想成为一个更好,更有效的领导者和人. 我的团队有一个读书俱乐部,我自己也用Audible. 不同的视角让我思考和成长. 世界上有很多书,里面有很多有价值的知识和策略,可以用于这个领域,以及企业所有权和领导力.


自… 2005
专业: 物业管理
指定和认证: 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导力计划毕业生; Texas 住宅 Leasing Specialist (TRLS); Texas 住宅 Property Manager (TRPM)
领导角色: 2018 President-Elect for Lubbock Association of REALTORS®; past chair for Lubbock Association of REALTORS® YPN/NextGen Committee, 物业经理委员会, 投资者及财务委员会, and current chair of the TREPAC Committee; TAR YPN Committee member; TAR 物业管理 Committee member
有趣的事实: 我对待我的狗就像对待我的孩子一样, 他们甚至有自己的Instagram账号(@doodlesofdirks). I also have a T-Rex collection that would rival most any 6-year-old boy’s collection.


I specialize in property management, and I don’t even dabble in sales. 我相信专业化, so much so that I have another broker represent me in selling and purchasing properties. 在我的市场里, I am one of the first property managers to offer management services for short-term rentals.


我希望看到更多的人参与到这个协会中来,并把当地的协会看作不仅仅是一个关键的服务或大联盟. 对我来说, the association has become a great way to network and have a community, 我认为其他人都错过了这一点.


我热爱2021十大正规彩票app,尤其是物业管理. 自2014年以来,我一直是TREPAC的主要投资者, and I am currently chairing my local association’s TREPAC Committee. It has been great to see new agents becoming more involved with TREPAC, but even more rewarding in getting agents who have been in the business for years becoming investors in TREPAC. I’m also proud that our local association had a 72% participation rate and invested $124,今年TREPAC的预算是738美元.


自… 2005
专业: 住宅
指定和认证: 研究生, REALTORS® Institute (GRI); Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR); Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES)
领导职位: Broker/Owner of Triangle Real Estate; 2018 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® President; 2016-2018 TREPAC Trustee; 2014-2016 PIC; 2017 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® Vice President; 2016 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® 2nd Vice President; 2015 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® Secretary; 2014 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® Treasurer; 2013 Beaumont Board of REALTORS® Director
有趣的事实: I’ve been very involved in my daughter’s soccer team since she was 6-years-old (she’s 16 now), and I recently helped found a new soccer club—REALTexas FC—and serve as the president.


严格来说,我想成为一名2021十大正规彩票app投资者. 然而, 在获得执照并加入当地一家经纪公司之后, 我爱上了帮助人们找到他们梦想中的家,帮助投资者找到有利可图的交易.

How do you continue to further your education and improve your skills?

我尽可能多地阅读有关2021十大正规彩票app和趋势的书籍. 成为2018年博蒙特2021十大正规彩票app经纪人委员会主席有所帮助, 但当我出去做交易的时候.


I have built my business on telling my clients what they need to hear and not what they want to hear. 没有绒毛. 另外,我对科技很在行. 我是Docusign在德州东南部的第一个代理商, 然后首先使用3D虚拟漫游技术.


到目前为止,我已经在2021十大正规彩票app行业工作了13年多, and my business has grown every year that I have expanded my leadership roles.

我认为,分歧和来自这些分歧的讨论是解决复杂问题的唯一途径, 一屋子意见一致的人解决不了任何问题.


自… 2003
专业: 住宅; second home/vacation properties
指定和认证: 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导力计划毕业生
领导角色: Corpus Christi Board of REALTORS® 教育 Committee; TREPAC Committee; Corpus Christi Association of REALTORS® Nominating Committee for the 2019 Board of Directors


Prior to becoming a license holder, I studied interior design at Missouri State University. I later moved to South Texas and worked at a live music venue and bar in Port Aransas. 通过与我的客户互动, 我看到了兴奋, 快乐, 以及生活在“孤岛时间”所带来的生活质量.”

当我的30岁生日即将来临的时候, I felt ready for a life change and gathered the courage to take a leap into a real estate career. 在我做出正确的选择后不久,我就知道了.

你有导师吗? 你的导师对你的职业生涯有何影响?

我很幸运有两位导师,他们给了我不同的视角. 贝基订单, 谁在1984年创立了我们的经纪公司, 和Suzette Freeman, 1996年起成为经纪人, have shown me how to be a strong businesswoman and operate with professionalism.

从第一天起, these women have been available and accessible to me at all hours of the day or night, 无论他们是在国内还是国外, 还教我怎么称呼, 扩散, or avoid situations that have come up during my real estate transactions. 他们影响了我,让我采取行动,成为一名倡导者,并参加我非常喜欢的组织.

What is your greatest challenge in real estate and how have you worked to overcome it?

When you are a new agent, it’s easy to feel like a small fish in a big pond. 2021十大正规彩票app最大的挑战, 在生活中也是如此, 是否有信心坚持你认为正确的事情,并且每天都以专业和善良的态度处理好每件事. 我努力通过参与和接受教育来克服这一挑战,这有助于我更好地为客户和同事服务. 对经历说“是”, 对机遇说yes, 对你害怕的事情说“是”只会让你感到满足,因为你知道自己在努力成长为一个专业人士和一个人.


自… 2010
专业: 住宅; relocation; commercial/industrial/office properties; development; new construction
指定和认证: 2014 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导力计划毕业生, Military Relocation Professional (MRP)
领导职位: Women’s Council of REALTORS® National Steering Committee; Women’s Council of REALTORS® Texas District Vice President 2018; Women’s Council of REALTORS® Texas Governor 2018; Women’s Council of REALTORS® Texas Secretary Elect; Women’s Council of REALTORS® Texas 领导 Identification Committee; Bryan-College Station Association of REALTORS® TREPAC Committee; One for all BISD Political Action Committee Chair
有趣的事实: 我在布莱恩独立学区的几个地区服务, 比如在约翰逊小学专利商标局工作了7年, 担任了两年的专利商标局局长, Bryan ISD家长领导团队七年, 安全工作小组工作了一年, 和设施委员会,任期四年.


我的职业生涯是从抵押信息系统开始的, 我的公司被出售并上市了, 后来情况迅速恶化,公司申请了破产. 我是两个孩子的单亲妈妈, 我知道我必须找到一份工作,既能让我灵活地抚养孩子,又能保持稳定的收入来维持我们的家庭.

A friend suggested real estate, and I took a leap of faith and dove right in. 从我开始上课的那一刻起, I fell in love with the idea of being able to help people navigate through the process of homeownership. 我知道,如果我能在帮助人们买房方面发挥作用, 寻找商业空间来创业, 或者找到耕地和牧场, 我的生活每天都很充实.

你有导师吗? 你的导师对你的职业生涯有何影响?

The most influential mentor in my real estate life is Sylvia Seabolt, who I met when she came to help us charter Women’s Council of REALTORS® in the Brazos Valley. 从我遇见西尔维娅的那一刻起, 我对她的能力印象深刻,她能接受生活中的挣扎,并利用这段旅程教给她的东西. 像西尔维娅这样的人教会了我,真正的仆人式领导是识别人和他们的天赋,鼓励他们沿着领导的道路前进,实现他们的梦想.

What is your greatest challenge in real estate and how have you worked to overcome it?

我在2021十大正规彩票app行业面临的最大挑战是我在个人生活中遇到的困难,这些困难有时会影响我对事业的关注. 我开始对自己在照顾家庭的同时经营自己的2021十大正规彩票app业务的能力失去信心. 通过一些了不起的导师和一些内在的动力, I have overcome every obstacle and now use my story to help others going through struggles.