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Addendum Regarding Rental Flood Disclosure meets disclosure requirements that went into effect January 1.

During the 87th Texas Legislature, 通过了一项法律变更,要求房东通知潜在的住宅租户,他们是否知道出租住宅位于百年洪泛平原,或者出租住宅在过去五年内是否被淹过.

Texas REALTORS® created the Addendum Regarding Rental Flood Disclosure (TXR 2015) to satisfy the required disclosure. Use of the form became mandatory January 1, 2022. Here are answers to questions about the new form.

When must the addendum be provided?

Addendum Regarding Rental Flood Disclosure applies to landlords, 谁须在签立租约时或之前向租客提供附录.

Can I fill out and sign the addendum on behalf of the landlord?

中介和经纪人不应该帮助房东填写附录,因为这样做会增加他们的责任. 也, 经纪人和代理人有责任披露他们所知道的有关物业的重要事实,但不需要为披露他们所代理的物业而做额外的研究.


是的. 房东可以在附录中指出,他们不知道该住宅位于百年洪泛区,或者他们不知道该住宅在过去五年内至少淹过一次水. 然而, 根据联邦法规,如果住宅的高度高于100年洪泛区的水位,房东不需要在附录中披露房东知道住宅位于100年洪泛区.


For a lease that was executed prior to the notice requirement (January 1, 2022), the landlord should provide the Addendum Regarding Rental Flood Disclosure when extending the lease or when it automatically renews, since that would be the first time the amendment would be provided. 在租约执行时或之前作出修订的任何租约的延期或自动续期不需要增编. 的 lease extension form is an amendment to the lease, and the renewal is automatic, meaning there are no later executions of a lease in either instance.

如果同一业主和租客之间签订了新租约,并且提供了上一份租约的附录, 如果没有变化,房东还需要提供另一份附录吗?

是的. Because a new lease is being executed, 无论以前的资料是否有变化,都应提供增编.

What does “100-year floodplain” in Section A of the addendum mean?

“百年洪泛区”一词的定义是,根据1968年的《十大网络彩票平台大全》,联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)指定为洪水危险区的任何土地,每年发生洪水的可能性大于或等于1%. FEMA maintains a flood map on its website that is searchable by address, 业主可在哪里确定住宅是否位于易受洪水影响的地区.

What does “flooding” in Section B of the addendum mean?


  • 的 overflow of inland or tidal waters
  • 径流积聚:从任何既定水源(如河流)流出的径流或地表水不寻常地迅速积聚, 流, or drainage ditch
  • Excessive rainfall.


第92节.德克萨斯州财产法第0135条规定,如果房东未能提供所需的通知,并且租户的个人财产遭受重大损失或损害, 然后,承租人可以在不迟于损失或损坏发生之日起30天内向房东发出书面终止通知,终止租赁. 重大损失是指修复或更换个人财产的费用等于洪水发生时个人财产市场价值的50%以上. 然而, 终止合约不会影响租客对拖欠租金的法律责任, 未付租金, 或承租人在租约终止前欠出租人的其他款项.